around the middle, uh"? But the man with the girdle patted his belly and said, "Heck no, I'm as trim as I ever was". So the first man finally decided to be direct about the matter and said "Well all right then, why are you trying to put on that girdle?" His friend smiled kind of wanly and replied, "Can you think of anything better to do with a girdle that is not your wife's but which she finds in the glove compartment of your car?"
I laughed considerably over this and told Dr. Hastings that I thought that it was just a case of a tricky excuse by a TV trying to break out of the locked room stage. But we had a nice conversation together and he asked me a lot about TVism and its distinctions from TS as I saw it, about my own his- tory and about the efforts of Chevalier, the Found- ation, FPE etc. He is a very kindly and understand- ing man and I feel that a good relationship was started there which could be drawn upon by any TVs in the area who felt a need for an understanding doctor. They are not at present doing anything with TVism as such but are spending most of their efforts in the gender identity field on transexuals.
Giving credit where credit is due, Dr. Hastings was not entirely unfamiliar with our field because Sally 23-W-1FPE, one of our more active workers, who lives in that area had already had correspond- ence with him and offered him the cooperation of our group in that area when it would be useful. appreciate Sally's taking the initiative in this matter and give her full credit for it, I just went through town and wanted to solidify the thing fur- ther. I wish there were more of you who could see your way clear to doing something constructive with medical, legal, religious, counseling or other per- sons or groups. We have gotten the ball rolling slowly but it needs to be pushed by a lot of us and not just by a dedicated few.
I had one interesting bit of personal satisfac-